"What's new in MFCL !?"
@@the material engineering 1 (Teacher:Professor.Minoru,UMEMOTO)
Assistant. Hao Xinjiang came from China. Ms.LIU Huiqing@came from China. Ms.Brenda Rocio Martinez-Guerrero@went back to Mexico.
Mr.LIU Zhiguang@went to Germany. Ms.LIU Dongyan went back to China.
Mr.Zhang Hongwen@came from China.
Ms.Brenda Rocio Martinez-Guerrero@came from Mexico.
Mr.Huang Bin came from China. Ms.Yin Jun come went back to China.
Top page was updated.¨ The "Research Topics" of English pages was updated.¨ The research theme of a Japanese page was updated.¨ The text of a class of a Japanese page was updated.¨ The barbecue party was held at Professor Umemoto's house.(welcome party)April.15.2001/4/15 ![]() 8 persons were newly assigned to the MFCL.¨
Eight persons graduated from MFCL.
Ms. Yolanda Acosta-Luna went back to Mexico. Ms. Veronica Cruz-Alvares came from Mexico.